We all have blind spots. From those blind spots, we create the reality we exist in.
So we collectively keep creating a reality and results that none of us want.
When we want peace, we start fighting for what we believe is right.
We can't be peaceful when we insult someone. Even if this someone deserves it in our eyes.
We can't bring peace and beauty into this world, we can't create something new by using means of the past. We can't bring peace by fighting. The goal, the final creation always gets compromised by the means we are using to create.

Peace always starts within us. Peace starts within me addressing what I can't see. Peace starts with accepting the war within me.

We all have blind spots. Otto Scharmer, professor at MIT and co-creator of the Theory U Framework, asks us to look towards what we can't see. Did we cause this war? Do we have a role to play in it? What have we done or not done to contribute to it? As a human being? As a country? As a society?
Where is Russia's blindspot? Where is Ukraine's blind spot? Where is Europe's blind spot? Where is yours?
Join us for a free meditation for global peace at the Impact Hub in Zürich on Monday 14.03.2022 17:00.
We become peace. We embody peace. We are peace.
For Ukraine. For Russia. For Europe. For You. For Me. For Each and Everyone. No Exception.

Song of the whales
The whales are crying
Old fears
Old songs
Tears for the fallen
Wet children eyes
A war
Old sorrow
And yet still fresh
Was it yesterday?
Is it today?
We are hurting
Each other
Without wanting
And yet…
What is this space
opening within?
A space of freedom
A space of unity
I feel I can’t close it
It can’t stop growing
The whales are singing
songs of unity
How can we stay
The song?
How can we weep
Without the crying?
We are the quiet
Within the storm
The world keeps
The whales keep
Who am I now?
What will I do?
We are the ones
How will we
Birth the New?