Heart of Purpose
This 7-month online journey October 2023 - April 2024
is about redefining your relationship with work.
When you bring more heart, passion, and love into what you do, work becomes fulfilling and everything you do and create is aligned with your purest intention and your heart’s desire. You then live and breathe your unique essence into that what you do.
Who is the course for?
Whether you already have a business, dream of something more than your everyday job, are in the process of redefining what you do or just opened your own brand or company, whether you dream of bringing more consciousness into business and society, or just want to be happy at work - this course will align your highest purpose with your work for your own well-being and the well-being of many.
How is the course structured?
The course is based on a Theory U transformation path and uses a variety of exercises, you will experience guided conversations, thought experiments, movement, Theory U and design thinking elements and guided mediations with the drum.*
* Drum-induced awareness states have been shown to promote different kinds of brain activity compared to normal awake states. Those states facilitate the understanding of the self within a wider context, promote creativity and enhance the "Aha effect" or thinking outside the box. More information on the science behind this can be found here.

Why should you try this course?
In our fast-paced meritocracy, there is little room for the self. Together we want to give you the space you deserve to face your hidden intentions, feelings and also shadows. In an atmosphere full of trust and understanding, the hidden becomes visible, the overheard becomes audible and the forgotten becomes discoverable. Free yourself consciously and draw deep strength and understanding for your further entrepreneurial path. Align your personal intentions with your overall goal.
The course has had an important effect on:
Becoming self-confident and empathic
Knowing your own strengths and values without compromising them
Allowing mistakes, and trusting them part of a learning and building process
Becoming fully responsible for who you are and what you do
Working on your expectations wants and needs to bring balance into your work and life
Coming into the trust of your success and working on insecurity and fears of failure
Stopping self-judgment from being in the way of your success
Promoting self-love as it is the best from which all creation occurs
Letting your dreams motivate you instead of putting you under pressure
Trusting that what you do is good and that you are good enough
Where is the course taking place?
How much does the course cost?
500.- CHF
350.- CHF Earlybird until 01.09.2023
How to prepare for the course?
Have some colored pencils to draw
What is the course schedule?
A 7 months guided online journey
01.10.2023 Kick-off 18:00-20:00
15.10.2023 Session 1 13:00-18:00
19.11.2023 Session 2 13:00-18:00
17.12.2023 Session 3 13:00-18:00
21.01.2024 Session 4 13:00-18:00
18.02.2024 Session 5 13:00-18:00
17.03.2024 Session 6 13:00-18:00
14.04.2024 Session 7 13:00-18:00

" am building a social startup but was in a deeper crisis of purpose at the beginning of the workshop. It's not that I don't love our project, but the constant fluctuations in motivation, along with the isolated Corona time took quite a toll on my initial enthusiasm. I felt like I wasn't really making progress, but was treading water.
I myself already have some experience with meditation, yoga, and self-care techniques. When I stumbled across Alexandra's offer, it immediately aroused my curiosity. Motivational and business coaching is a dime a dozen, but this combination of mindfulness, mediation exercises, and shared reflection sounded like a sustainable, deeper methodology to me. Since I like to try something new, I had to follow their approach.
It was definitely worth it!
For one thing, Alexandra helped me see again why I started this project in the first place, what developments I have already mastered, and what fulfillment this work gives me. On the other hand, Alexandra has strengthened my connection to myself through accompanied meditation exercises and shamanistic rituals. Together with the exercises she gave me, which I could do on my own between the workshops, I felt my own development and grounding growing. One result of the workshops is that I have identified a symbol for myself with which I have connected my heart's desires and which accompanies me in everyday life.
I am enormously grateful and happy that I was able to get to know Alexandra and that she helped me to see, approach, and overcome my personal challenges in my own project differently. I highly recommend this workshop for all entrepreneurs and project initiators. Dare to try something new and put yourself in the competent, trustworthy hands of Alexandra!
Thank you for everything!"
Christian, 28, from Zurich